A top-down platformer game made for Trijam #168! The theme was "Don't hurt nobody".

In this game you drive a car, and you'll have to dodge pedestrians who are on the street for no apparent reason. If you hurt a pedestrian, you're dead.

A and D or left and right arrow keys to go left and right

Sprites from CanariPack 8BIT TopDown
Car sprite from Pixel art city cars 
Main track: Whip by prazkhanal from Pixabay


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i feel like the pedestrians are the one hurting you here they can flippin make a car go boom just by touching it :skull:

Haha yeah that's pretty wild, also it might look like the pedestrians push the car away instead of the opposite as the car isn't actually moving, but the pedestrians are. But even if the car gets hurt, that still counts as someone getting hurt so it's fine lol